dae at the end and doesn't appear as a dae file, rename it to have. model to COLLADA (.dae)If it doesn't have.
When its done it will come with no format. Then go to File > Export current scene as COLLADA(.dae)It will ask you where you would put the stage file. You can get stage textures here Open a stage file in sonic glvl which will take a while. Step 5.1: Stages files will have a name like #ghz200.ar.00. Sonic Generations was held on a 66 discount on Steam via PC Download as a Daily Deal due to the large amount of downloads. It will now unpack the generation files and models. Choose any folder you want.(or make a new one and put it there.). it will then prompt you to choose a cpk file to unpack. Step 4:Put the cpk unpack script in the quickbms folder.Then, open up QuickBMS and it will prompt you to choose a script. Step 3:Copy the files name bb.cpk and bb2.cpk to the desktop(moving them will make the game not work unless they are put back in the folder.) SonicGLVL /files/SonicGLvl-v0.5.7.7zĬPK unpack script for quickBMS: Step 2:Go to C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Sonic Generations\disk How to rip models/stages from sonic generations.